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Case Study

Instagram Ads helped increase sales for Water Ionizes by 312%

Boosting water ionizers sales with strategic Facebook & Instagram ads, targeting a niche audience and optimizing the sales funnel.

ROAS: 4,06x

Ads Budget: $3,000

Profit: $12,172

146 Purchases


The case study highlights how Kim Romanov utilized Facebook and Instagram ads to increase sales for a water ionizer company while targeting a niche audience and setting up an effective sales funnel.

Average monthly budget for Meta Ads


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Company Overview:

The company offers premium water filters and ionizers, manufactured by the world leader in bioceramics, produced in South Korea.

Project duration: 3 years and 2 months and continues now in the United Arabian Emirates

Situation Analysis:

The target audience is solvent, small, older, and requires getting acquainted with the product before purchasing. The client has strong social media presence, which needs to be leveraged to attract customers.

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  • Promote the product by increasing Instagram followers
  • Scaling up orders through the website, and setting up a sales funnel.


The strategy involved creating a campaign structure for attraction and retargeting, focusing on Instagram as the main source of traffic and conversions. After analyzing past experiences, it was decided to allocate 70% of the budget to Instagram promotions and the remaining 30% to retargeting.

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  • Utilize galleries and Lookalike Audiences
  • Run several retargeting campaigns,
  • Worked with the audience and offers at different stages of the sales funnel.


Ad budget
$ 0
$ 0
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Understanding the target audience and optimizing the sales funnel with strategic ad campaigns led to a significant increase in sales for the water ionizer company.

An example of creatives:

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Client’s feedback about Kim Romanov:

"Kim Romanov's expertise in Facebook and Instagram advertising has made a significant impact on our business. The tailored strategy and attention to our niche audience have resulted in increased sales and revenue. We highly recommend Kim for any small business looking to boost their online presence and sales.”
Bio-Cera CEO

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